Nutrición Hospitalaria 00399 /
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Trabajo Original

Bad results obtained from the current public health policies and recommendations of hydration

Ismael San Mauro Martin, Denisse Aracely Romo Orozco, Paula Mendive Dubourdieu, Elena Garicano Vilar, Ana Valente, Fabiana Betancor, Alexis Daniel Morales Hurtado, Cristina Garagarza

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 3141      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 7525      Citas   Citas: 0


Introduction: Achieving an adequate intake of water is crucial within a balanced diet. For that purpose, dietary guidelines for healthy eating and drinking are an important consideration and need to be updated and disseminated to the population.Aim: We aimed to evaluate the liquid intake habits of a Mediterranean and Latin American population (Spain-Portugal and Mexico-Uruguay) and if they support the current recommendations of hydration by the EFSA.Methods: A record of fluid intake was obtained from 1168 participants from 4 countries above; and then compared with current consensus about hydration 1600 mL/day (female) and 2000 mL/day (male).Results: The average fluid intake slightly surpassed the recommended: mean of 2049 mL/day (2,223 mL in males, 1,938 mL in females). Portugal stood out due to its lower intake (mean of 1,365 mL/day). Water contributed the largest part to total fluid intake (37%) in all countries (mean of 1365 mL/day). Hot beverages (18%) and milk and derivates (17%) follow water in highest consumption. The 20% of males and only 0.3% of females knew recommendations of hydration, while 63.3% of males and 62% of females followed them. Only 8.4% of people who follow the recommendations know them.Conclusion: The people studied surpassed the recommendation, although majority they didn´t know it. Future research should examine actual beverage consumption patterns and evaluate if the current consensuses are correctly adapted to the population needs. Hydration’s policies should be transmitted to the population for their knowledge and adequate compliance.

Palabras Clave: Hydration. Water. Fluid intake. Health policy. Public health.

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