Nutrición Hospitalaria 01296 /
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Trabajo Original

Dietary patterns, physical activity, body mass index, weight-related behaviours and their interrelationship among romanian university students-trends from 2003 to 2016

Lucia Maria Lotrean, Valeria Laza

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 28715      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 10248      Citas   Citas: 6


Introduction: promotion of a healthy diet and involvement in physical activity among young people has an important impact on their actual and future lifestyle, health and well being.Objectives: this study investigates dietary patterns, physical activity, body mass index (BMI) and weight-related behaviours as well as their interrelationship among Romanian university students.Methods: the study used anonymous questionnaires and was performed in Cluj-Napoca, Romania in 2003 (n = 320) and 2016 (n = 320). Results: the factor analyse revealed three main dietary structures which were similar at both waves. The first one describes a varied diet. The second one shows a diet rich in white meat, dietary fibres and varied sources of carbohydrates. The last one refers to a diet containing red meat, fat, potatoes, sugar. The first dietary structure protects against overweight and it correlates positively with daily physical activity, while has a negative correlation with using several methods for losing weight. The second dietary factor is also protective for overweight, but has a positive correlation with using several methods for losing weight. It has a negative association with eating frequently in fast food restaurants and with daily physical activity. The last dietary structure is negatively associated with daily physical activity, while being positively associated with eating frequently in fast-food restaurants and with a higher BMI.Conclusions: the study presents trends in dietary patterns, physical activity, BMI and weight related behaviours among Romanian university students between 2003 and 2016 and highlights the existence of several main dietary structures, which seems stable over time.

Palabras Clave: : dietary patterns; physical activity, body mass index (BMI), weight-related behaviours, Romanian university students

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