Nutrición Hospitalaria 01352 /
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Trabajo Original

Poor breastfeeding, complementary feeding and dietary diversity in children and their relationship with stunting in rural communities

Jessica Zaragoza-Cortes, Luis Eduardo Trejo Osti, Moisés Ocampo Torres, Laura Maldonado Vargas, Alicia Arminda Ortiz Gress

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 27377      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 12690      Citas   Citas: 4


Introduction: stunted growth is the most common manifestation of malnutrition in México. Breastfeeding, adequate introduction of complementary feeding and dietary diversity can avoid this.Objective: to characterize the feeding practices in children 1-24 months of age in rural communities of Hidalgo and define their relationship with stunting.Methods: a 24-hour recall was used to obtain information. Z-scores for length-for-age (ZLA), complementary feeding (CF) and minimal dietary diversity (MDD) were determined. The sample was divided into breastfed and not breastfed children.Results: one hundred eighty nine mother-child dyads were evaluated; 59.3% were breastfed and 40.7% were not. Stunting was found in 10.1% and was identified starting at the fourth month of life. This was accompanied by early CF close to the third month (57.0%) and by a reduction in exclusive breastfeeding during the second month of life to only 30%. The proportion of not breastfed children with stunting (27.5%) was almost twice that of breastfed children (12.0%) (p < 0.03). By age, mean ZLA was different with a trend towards stunting increasing with age (p < 0.05): 1-6 months -0.463 ± 1.445; 7-12 months -0.669 ± 1.225; and 13-24 months -0.985 ± 0.917. MDD was greater in not breastfed children (69.7%) (p < 0.04) and by age greater in children 13-24 months (69.7%) (p < 0.02).Conclusions: the feeding practices of most mothers did not meet WHO recommendations. It is necessary to carry out nutrition education interventions aimed at mothers in rural population.

Palabras Clave: feeding practices, breastfeeding, complementary feeding, dietary diversity, stunting.

Nadimin, Nadimin, Sirajuddin, Sirajuddin, Afifah, Sella Nur, Hadju, Veny, Bohari, Bohari (2025) The effect of nutritional assistance “gammarana program” on food acceptance and nutritional status of children in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Nutrición Clínica y Dietética Hospitalaria
Quemba-Mesa, Monica Paola, Herrera-Tarapues, Jhully Constanza, Mendoza-Ortiz, Alejandra, Mendoza-Ortiz, Benigno (2022) Comportamiento epidemiológico de la desnutrición en menores de 5 años, Colombia 2016-2019. Revista Ciencia y Cuidado
Li, Shanshan, Yue, Ai, Abbey, Cody, Medina, Alexis, Shi, Yaojiang (2019) Breastfeeding and the Risk of Illness among Young Children in Rural China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Silva-Neto, Luiz Gonzaga Ribeiro, Grotti Clemente, Ana Paula, Bueno, Nassib Bezerra, dos Santos, Thays Lane Ferreira, dos Santos Neto, João Eudes, de Menezes Toledo Florêncio, Telma Maria (2024) The Double Burden of Malnutrition is Associated with Continued Breastfeeding and Early Consumption of Ultra-Processed Drinks in Socially Vulnerable Brazilian Children. Ecology of Food and Nutrition

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