Nutrición Hospitalaria H1663
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Trabajo Original

Organic inflammatory response to reduced preoperative fasting time, with a carbohydrate and protein enriched solution; a randomized trial

Publicado: 2022-01-12

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 2123      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 1946      Citas   Citas: 0


Background: this study aims to assess the organic inflammatory response of the video laparoscopic cholecystectomy, with abbreviation of the preoperative fasting to 2h using a carbohydrate and protein enriched solution. Methods: this is a randomized, prospective study with patients divided into the following 2 groups: group A, conventional fasting and group B, 2h abbreviated fasting with oral ingestion of a carbohydrate and protein solution. Serum glucose, insulin, interleukin 1, and TNF-α were mesasured before ingestion of the solution, during induction of anesthesia, and 4 h after the end of surgery. Results: thirty-eight patients completed the study without presenting pulmonary complications associated with bronchoaspiration. The postoperative HOMA-IR variance was greater in group A (p = 0.001). Conclusion: the abbreviation of preoperative fasting for 2 h, using carbohydrate and protein enriched solutions, is safe, reduces insulin resistance, and does not increase the risk of bronchoaspiration.

Palabras Clave: Preoperative fasting. Carbohydrate and protein solution. Organic inflammatory response.

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