María Arnoriaga Rodríguez, Maite Pérez De Ciriza Cordeu, Miguel Camblor Álvarez, Irene Bretón Lesmes, Marta Motilla De La Cámara, Cristina Velasco Gimeno, Loredana Arhip, Pilar García Peris, Cristina Cuerda
Número de descargas: 6424 Número de visitas: 10324 Citas: 0
Introduction: catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) are one of the most serious concerns in patients on home parenteral nutrition (HPN) which involve high morbidity and cost for the healthcare system. In the last years, taurolidine lock has proven to be beneficial in the prevention of CRBSI; however, the evidence of its efficiency is limited.Objective: to determine if taurolidine lock is a cost-effective intervention in patients on HPN.Materials and methods: retrospective study in patients on HPN with taurolidine lock. We compared the CRBSI rate and cost of its complications before and during taurolidine lock.Results: thirteen patients, six (46%) males and seven (54%) females, with a mean age of 61.08 (SD = 14.18) years received taurolidine lock. The total days of catheterization pre and per-taurolidine were 12,186 and 5,293, respectively. The underlying disease was benign in five patients (38.5%) and malignant in eight (61.5%). The CRBSI rate pre vs per-taurolidine was 3.12 vs 0.76 episodes per 1,000 catheter days (p = 0.0058). When the indication was a high CRBSI rate, this was 9.72 vs 0.39 (p < 0.001) in pre and per-taurolidine period respectively. No differences have been observed in the occlusion rates. None of the patients reported any adverse effects. The total cost of CRBSI in the pre-taurolidine period was 151,264.14 euros vs 24,331.19 euros in the per-taurolidine period. Conclusions: our study shows that taurolidine lock is a cost-effective intervention in patients on HPN with high risk of CRBSI.
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Introducción: el tejido graso es un órgano con fun...