Gonçalo Nunes, Mariana Brito, Marta Patita, Carla Adriana Santos, Jorge Fonseca
Número de descargas: 20605 Número de visitas: 6829 Citas: 2
Introduction: starvation is usual in patients referred for endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG). A high risk of refeeding syndrome (RS) may contribute to poor prognosis. Objectives: this study aims to: a) evaluate serum phosphorus and magnesium when patients underwent PEG; b) determine the mortality rate during the first week and first month of enteral nutrition; and c) assess if hypophosphatemia or hypomagnesemia are associated with early mortality. Material and methods: retrospective study with patients followed in the Artificial Nutrition Clinic and died under PEG feeding. General nutritional assessment included NRS 2002, anthropometry and serum proteins. Serum phosphorus and magnesium were measured immediately before gastrostomy. Survival was recorded and compared to electrolyte and nutritional status. Results: one hundred and ninety-seven patients (137 men/60 women) aged 26-100 years. Most underwent PEG due to neurologic disorders (60.9%) and were malnourished according to body mass index (BMI) and serum proteins. Low phosphorus and magnesium were found in 6.6% and 4.6%, respectively. Hypophosphatemia was associated with malnutrition (p < 0.05). Mean survival was 13.7 ± 15.4 months. Mortality was 4.6% in the first week and 13.2% in the first month post-gastrostomy. Overall survival was shorter in malnourished patients but malnutrition did not directly influence early mortality (p > 0.05). Hypophosphatemia was associated with mortality during the first week (p = 0.02) and the first month of PEG feeding (p = 0.02). Conclusions: hypophosphatemia was uncommon but predicted early mortality after PEG. Although RS may be less frequent than expected, hypophosphatemia may be used as a RS marker and RS is the probable cause of increase early mortality in hypophosphatemic PEG-fed patients.
Palabras Clave: Refeeding syndrome. Hypophosphatemia. PEG. Gastrostomy.
Carla Adriana Santos , Jorge Fonseca , Elisabete Carolino , Teresa Lopes , António Sousa Guerreiro
Daniela Angulo , Edson Bustos , Andrés Sánchez , Salesa Barja
María Teresa Fernández López , Áurea María Gómez Márquez , Laura Casado Vázquez , Susana Alonso Urrutia , María Luisa Bardasco Alonso , María Teresa Rivero Luis , Eva Fernández Pérez , Susana Barreiros Blanco , María Teresa Alves Pérez , José Antonio Mato Mato
Marcelo Campos Appel-da-Silva , Priccila Zuchinali , Rogério Fleck de Oliveira , Caroline Schardong Boligon , Caroline Riella , Gabriela Soranço Salazar
Ana Laranjo , Mariana Brito , Gonçalo Nunes , Carla Adriana Santos , Jorge Fonseca
Marta Patita , Gonçalo Nunes , Miguel Grunho , Carla Adriana Santos , Jorge Fonseca
Raquel Stocker Pérsico , Oellen Stuani Franzosi
Benjamín Blanco Ramos , Baltasar García López , Nuria Gómez Bellvert
Elena M. Sandoval-Cartagena , Martha Guevara-Cruz , Alfonso Rivera-Duarte , Marcela Hernández-Ortega , Aurora E. Serralde-Zúñiga
Amparo Vázquez Polo , Eduardo López Briz , José Luís Poveda Andrés , Juan Francisco Vázquez Costa
Benjamín Blanco Ramos , Nuria Gómez Bellvert
María Esther Proaño Fierro , Blanca Leticia Rodríguez Cañete , Paula Sánchez Sobrino , Antonia Lourdes Rego Iraeta
Carmen Gándara Gutiérrez , Carlos Alonso Felgueroso , Lucía Díaz Naya , Marta Diéguez Felechosa , Silvia González Martínez , Gala Gutiérrez Buey , Lucía Lázaro Martín , M.ª Pilar Monge Rafael , Brenda Veiguela Blanco , Guillén Octavio Puente Barbé , María Pasarón Fernández , Laura Nozal García , Covadonga Suárez-Coalla Bango , Lucía Fernández Iglesias , María Riestra-Fernández
Rocío Campos del Portillo , Samara Palma Milla , Pilar Matía Martín , Viviana Loria-Kohen , Miguel Ángel Martínez Olmos , María Teresa Mories Álvarez , María José Castro Alija , María Ángela Martín Palmero , Elena Carrillo Lozano , Marlhyn Valero-Pérez , Isabel Campos del Portillo , Alejandro Esteban Sirvent Segovia , Pilar Plaza Blázquez , Diana Monserrat de la Cruz López , Francisco Pita Gutiérrez
Juan José López Gómez , Carmen Díaz Marín , Trinidad Castillo-García , Angélica Larrad-Sainz , Rosa Gastaldo-Simeón , Santiago Juarros-Martínez , Larraitz Leunda-Eizmendi , Miguel Civera Andrés , Pilar Matía Martín
María José Vallejo Herrera , Verónica Vallejo Herrera , Arturo del Toro Ortega , María José Tapia Guerrero
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