Número de descargas: 1725 Número de visitas: 2890 Citas: 0
Head and neck cancer (HNC) patients tend to develop dysphagia. In order to preserve the nutritional support, many undergo endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG). In HNC patients, ostomy metastasis is considered a rare complication of PEG, but there are no reports of successful treatment of these metastatic cancers. We report the case of a 65 years old pharyngeal/laryngeal cancer patient who underwent a PEG before the neck surgery. He was considered to be cured, resumed oral intake and the PEG tube was removed. Ten months after, he returned with a metastasis at the ostomy site. A block resection of the stomach and abdominal wall was performed. Two years after the abdominal surgery, he is free of disease. Although usually considered a rare complication of the endoscopic gastrostomy, ostomy metastasis may be more frequent than usually considered and the present case report demonstrates that these patients may have a favourable outcome.
Palabras Clave: Metastasis. Gastrostomy. PEG.
Carla Adriana Santos , Jorge Fonseca , Elisabete Carolino , Teresa Lopes , António Sousa Guerreiro
Daniela Angulo , Edson Bustos , Andrés Sánchez , Salesa Barja
Gonçalo Nunes , Mariana Brito , Marta Patita , Carla Adriana Santos , Jorge Fonseca
Marcelo Campos Appel-da-Silva , Priccila Zuchinali , Rogério Fleck de Oliveira , Caroline Schardong Boligon , Caroline Riella , Gabriela Soranço Salazar
Ana Laranjo , Mariana Brito , Gonçalo Nunes , Carla Adriana Santos , Jorge Fonseca
Marta Patita , Gonçalo Nunes , Miguel Grunho , Carla Adriana Santos , Jorge Fonseca
Benjamín Blanco Ramos , Baltasar García López , Nuria Gómez Bellvert
Amparo Vázquez Polo , Eduardo López Briz , José Luís Poveda Andrés , Juan Francisco Vázquez Costa
Benjamín Blanco Ramos , Nuria Gómez Bellvert
Carmen Gándara Gutiérrez , Carlos Alonso Felgueroso , Lucía Díaz Naya , Marta Diéguez Felechosa , Silvia González Martínez , Gala Gutiérrez Buey , Lucía Lázaro Martín , M.ª Pilar Monge Rafael , Brenda Veiguela Blanco , Guillén Octavio Puente Barbé , María Pasarón Fernández , Laura Nozal García , Covadonga Suárez-Coalla Bango , Lucía Fernández Iglesias , María Riestra-Fernández
Juan José López Gómez , Carmen Díaz Marín , Trinidad Castillo-García , Angélica Larrad-Sainz , Rosa Gastaldo-Simeón , Santiago Juarros-Martínez , Larraitz Leunda-Eizmendi , Miguel Civera Andrés , Pilar Matía Martín
María José Vallejo Herrera , Verónica Vallejo Herrera , Arturo del Toro Ortega , María José Tapia Guerrero
Introducción: el tejido graso es un órgano con fun...