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Background & aims: The pathogenesis of enteritis after abdominal radiotherapy is unknown, although changes in faecal microbiota may be involved. In several studies, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium have proven beneficial for the host. Prebiotics stimulate the proliferation of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, and this may have positive effects on the intestinal mucosa during abdomi - nal radiotherapy. Methods: We performed a randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled trial including 31 patients with gynaecological cancer who received radiotherapy (29 sessions, 52.2 Gy) after surgery. Patients were randomised to two groups: prebiotic and placebo. The first group received a mixture of fibre (50% inulin and 50% fructo-oligosaccharide) and the second received 6 g of maltodextrin twice daily from one week before to three weeks after radiotherapy. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium counts were determined in faeces samples (day –7 before radiotherapy, day 15 of radiotherapy, at the end of treatment, and three weeks after radiotherapy) by culture in selective media and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using genus-specific probes. Bacterial counts by FISH were significantly higher than by culture method. Results: There were no differences in baseline microbiota between groups. At the end of radiotherapy, we observed a statistically significant decrease in Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium counts in both groups. By cultural analysis, we observed higher numbers of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium three weeks after radiotherapy in the prebiotic group (5.6 vs. 6.3, p = 0.04 and 5.5 vs. 6 log cfu/g, p = 0.03). Conclusions: Abdominal radiotherapy negatively affects Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium counts. The prebiotic mixture of inulin and fructoligosaccharide can improve the recovery of both genera after radiotherapy. Registered under ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier no. NCT01549782
Palabras Clave: Prebiotics. Microbiota. Radiotherapy. Gyneacological cancer.
Mª José Sendrós Madroño
Pilar Bueno Vargas , Manuel Manzano Martín , Inmaculada López-aliaga , José M.ª López Pedrosa
José M. García Almeida , Yolanda Lupiáñez Pérez , Mercedes Blanco Naveira , Josefina Ruiz Nava , José Antonio Medina , Isabel María Cornejo Pareja , Ana Gómez Pérez , María Molina Vega , José A. López-medina , Francisco Tinahones Madueño
María Dolores Ballesteros Pomar , Elena González Arnaiz
Bianca Tabita Muresan , Carlos Sánchez Juan , Ana Artero , Ana Hernández Machancoses , Piedad Almendros-Blanco , Alegría Montoro , Joan Roselló Ferrando , Rafael Íñigo Valdenebro , Jaime Ríos Ríos , Jose M. Soriano , José Vicente Quirante Cascales , José López-Torrecilla
Bianca Tabita Muresan , Carlos Sánchez Juan , Ana Artero , Ana Hernández Machancoses , Piedad Almendros-Blanco , Alegría Montoro , Gonzalo Sánchez Jordá , Cristian Marco-Alacid , Jaime Ríos Ríos , Jose M. Soriano , Laura Sánchez Guillén , José López-Torrecilla
Rodrigo Muelas Soria
Ana Isabel Jiménez-Ortega , Rosa María Martínez García , Marta Velasco Rodríguez-Belvis , Ana Belén Martínez Zazo , María Dolores Salas-González , Esther Cuadrado-Soto
Francisco Guarner
Julián Herrera Mejía , Arnulfo Ramos-Jiménez , Florinda Jiménez Vega , Rocío Campos Vega , Aaron F. González Córdova , Abraham Wall-Medrano
Karolina Alvarez-Altamirano , Karina Miramontes-Balcon , Carolina Cárcoba-Tenorio , Mónica Bejarano-Rosales , María Amanda-Casillas , Juan Alberto Serrano-Olvera , Vanessa Fuchs-Tarlovsky
Secundino Cigarrán Guldrís
Frank Carrera-Gil
Background: sarcopenia, typified by the progressiv...