Edgar Manuel Vásquez-Garibay, Alfredo Larrosa-Haro, Nelly Carolina Muñoz-Esparza, Enrique Romero-Velarde, Elizabeth Guzmán-Mercado, Samuel García-Arellano, Felipe Martínez Limón, José Francisco Muñoz-Valle
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Background: infants receiving full breastfeeding (FBF) regulate their appetites differently from those receiving human milk substitutes (HMS). In addition, early exposure to the dietary cholesterol in human milk could lead to better cholesterol regulation in later stages of life. Therefore, the purpose was to compare lipid profiles in 4-month-old infants and to correlate lipid profile with anthropometric indicators and appetite-regulating hormones according to the type of feeding. Methods: this was a cross-sectional and correlational study, which included 145 mother-infant dyads according to the type of feeding; 64 received FBF, 47 partial breastfeeding (PBF), and 34 HMS. The complete lipid profile, total ghrelin, leptin, peptide YY, and glucagon-like peptide type 1 were measured. Z-scores for weight/age, length/age, weight/length, triceps (TSF) and subscapular folds (SSF) and body mass index for age were also obtained. Results: there were significant differences in triglycerides and LDL cholesterol according to the type of feeding. In the HMS group, an inverse relationship was observed between ghrelin and triglycerides (p = 0.038), ghrelin and total cholesterol (TC) (p = 0.026), and peptide YY and HDL cholesterol (p = 0.017). In the PBF group, a direct relationship was observed between length/age (z) and triglycerides (p = 0.001) and between subscapular folds and TC (p = 0.049). In infants receiving HMS, a direct correlation was observed between weight/age (z) and TC (p = 0.045) and between length/age (z) and LDL cholesterol (p = 0.010). Conclusion: these findings show a relationship between growth, energy reserve, lipid profile, and modulation of appetite-regulating hormones according to the type of feeding they received.
Palabras Clave: Infants. Lipid profile. Appetite regulation. Growth indicators.
Jessie Nallely Zurita-Cruz , Rodolfo Rivas-ruiz , Virginia Gordillo-Álvarez , Miguel Ángel Villasís-Keever
Velia Margarita Cárdenas Villarreal , Rosario Edith Ortiz Félix , Ernesto Cortés-Castell , Patricia Edina Miranda Félix , Milton Carlos Guevara Valtier , María Mercedes Rizo-Baeza
Jessica Zaragoza-Cortes , Luis Eduardo Trejo Osti , Moisés Ocampo Torres
Oscar Geovanny Enríquez Martínez , Vivian Cristine Luft , Carolina Perim de Faria , Maria del Carmen Bisi Molina
Edgar Manuel Vásquez-Garibay , Elizabeth Guzmán-Mercado , Alfredo Larrosa-Haro , Nelly C. Muñoz-Esparza
Valeria Isabel Juárez Méndez , Jorge L. Maguiña Quispe
Alfredo Larrosa Haro , Edgar Manuel Vásquez-Garibay , Elizabeth Guzmán-Mercado , Nelly Carolina Muñoz-Esparza , Samuel García-Arellano , José Francisco Muñoz-Valle , Enrique Romero-Velarde
Isabel Iguacel , Laura Monje , María Jesús Cabero , Luis A. Moreno Aznar , María Pilar Samper , María Rodríguez-Palmero , Montserrat Rivero , Gerardo Rodríguez
María José Muñoz Alférez , María Robles Rebollo , Jorge Moreno-Fernández , Javier Díaz Castro , María Inmaculada López Aliaga
María Virginia Avena Álvarez , Diego Nicolás Messina , Carla Corte , Jessica Anabella Mussi Stoizik , Aldana Saez , Paola Boarelli , Rafael Pérez Elizalde
Daniel de Luis Román , Olatz Izaola Jáuregui , David Primo Martín , Rocio Aller
Maria Jesus Lisbona-González , Candela Reyes Botella , Esther Muñoz Soto , Marta Vallecillo-Rivas , Jorge Moreno Fernández , Javier Díaz Castro
Francesco Pazzi , José Carmelo Adsuar , Francisco Javier Domínguez-Muñoz , Miguel Ángel García-Gordillo , Narci Gusi , Daniel Collado-Mateo
Enriqueta Román , José Manuel Moreno Villares , Francisco Domínguez Ortega , Alfonso Carmona Martínez , Leandro Picó Sirvent , Luz Santana Sandoval , Jose Casas Rivero , Ayham Alshweki , Colin Cercamondi , Samir Dahbane , Maria Luisa Vidal Guevara
Luis A. Moreno-Aznar , María del Carmen Vidal Carou , Ana M. López-Sobaler , Gregorio Varela Moreiras , José Manuel Moreno Villares
Ana Daniela Ortega-Ramírez , Alejandro Cabrera-Macedo , Mario del Toro-Equihua , Carmen Alicia Sánchez-Ramírez
Teodoro Durá-Travé , Fidel Gallinas-Victoriano , María Malumbres Chacón , María Urretavizcaya-Martínez , Paula Moreno González , Lofti Ahmed-Mohamed
Natalia Díaz Ortiz , Venancio Martínez Suárez , Sagrario Ortiz Jareño , Joaquín V. Martínez-Suárez
Martha Guevara-Cruz , Carlos Corona-Villalobos , Ana Laura Pardo-Gutiérrez , Judith Ileana Gris-Calvo , Beatriz A. Pinzón-Navarro , Jimena Fuentes-Servin , Salvador Ortiz-Gutiérrez , Azalia Avila-Nava , Alda D. García-Guzmán , Juan Gerardo Reyes-García , Isabel Medina-Vera
Chiqiong Liu , Gyung Park
Consuelo Carmen Pedrón Giner
Rosario Edith Ortiz Félix , Patricia Enedina Miranda Félix , Félix Gerardo Buichia Sombra , Liliana Estefanía Ramírez-Jaime , Milton Carlos Guevara Valtier , Velia Margarita Cárdenas-Villarreal
Background: sarcopenia, typified by the progressiv...