Diana Escuder-Vieco, Pilar Gomis Muñoz, José Antonio Hernández Ramos, Miguel Ángel Bruni Montero, Elena Bergón Sendín, Javier de la Cruz Bértolo, Gerardo Bustos Lozano
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Introduction: the stability of total parenteral nutrition admixtures for neonates (TPNAn) has been questioned in relation to the interaction between calcium and fish oil emulsions. Aim: the aim of this study was to check the stability (particle size < 1 µm) of different individualized TPNAn prepared with fish-oil emulsion and containing calcium at concentrations ranging from 10 to 20 mmol/L. Methods: admixtures analyzed: twelve different formulations with SMOFlipid® 20 % (conserved for 24 h and for 96 h), three formulations with Lipoplus® 20 % (conserved for 96 h) and three formulations with SMOFlipid® 20 % with Multi-12K1® Pediatric (conserved for 96 h). Two bags were compounded for each formulation and conservation period. Measurements on each admixture bag: particle standardized diameter by laser diffraction technique and pH by a calibrated pH-meter. Data analysis with mixed linear regression models. Results: maximum particle size was < 0.8 µm for all investigated admixtures. Lipid concentration of 5 g/L and sodium and potassium concentration of 100 mmol/L slightly increased the proportion of particles > 0.6 µm. Ninety six hours storage also increased the percentage of particles > 0.6 µm (+0.143 ± 0.07; p = 0.038) but did not influence other parameters. No association with calcium composition was observed. Amino acid content was inversely correlated with pH (-0.83; p < 0.0001). Conclusions: the studied individualized parenteral nutrition admixtures for newborns that contain fish oil emulsions and meet cation requirements are stable for at least 96 hours.
Palabras Clave: Neonatal parenteral nutrition admixture. Stability. Individualized neonatal parenteral nutrition. Calcium. Fish oil. Laser diffraction technique.
Emilio Martínez De Victoria
Raúl Aguilera Eguía , Paula Jessica Jorquera Pino , Claudia Jaqueline Salgado , Cherie Flores
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Background: sarcopenia, typified by the progressiv...