Nutrición Hospitalaria 02590 /
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Trabajo Original

Efficacy of a Lupinus mutabilis Sweet snack as complement to conventional type 2 diabetes mellitus treatment

Marco Vinicio Fornasini Salvador, Sandra Victoria Abril-Ulloa, José Patricio Beltrán Carreño, Elena Villacrés, Lourdes Cuadrado-Merino, Francisco Robalino, Rolando Sánchez, Paul Stalin Ricaurte Ortiz, Erika B. Muñoz, Napoleón Benjamín Benítez Loza, Manuel E. Baldeón

Prepublicado: 2019-07-11
Publicado: 2019-08-02

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 20969      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 10812      Citas   Citas: 0


Introduction: therapeutic lifestyles changes including frequent consumption of legumes have resulted in improved metabolic control and decreased blood pressure in type 2 diabetes-mellitus (T2DM) patients. Objective: this was a quasi-experimental-28-week crossover-study that assessed the effect of daily consumption of the legume Lupinus mutabilis (LM) on metabolic control of T2DM patients under hypoglycemic oral treatment. Material and methods: we recruited 79 adult male and female patients that were followed for 14-weeks without LM consumption and then received increasing doses of a LM-based-snack for other 14-weeks. Results: there was a significant decrease in blood pressure and a significant increase in HDL-cholesterol by the end of the study period. While patients with A1C concentrations > 8 and ≤ 10 did not significantly improve their metabolic control, patients with serum A1C concentrations ≤ 8.0% reduced significantly their A1C after the intervention and 71% achieved a target concentration of 6.5%. Conclusion: patients with T2DM could benefit with the addition of LM-snack to their conventional treatment.

Palabras Clave: Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Glycated hemoglobin. Lupinus. Humans.

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