Nutrición Hospitalaria 03465 /
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Trabajo Original

Cost, microbiological, and nutritional properties of pureed food production in nursing homes. The ABADIA Study

María Dolores Ballesteros Pomar, Javier Pérez-Martín, Maria J Mendiola, José M García-García, Soledad Parrado-Cuesta, Ángel Manuel Caracuel García, Begoña Garcés, Marta Comellas, Héctor D de Paz, Núria Barcons

Prepublicado: 2021-03-29
Publicado: 2021-06-02

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 26788      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 5009      Citas   Citas: 0


Introduction: although nutritional differences between different types of texture-modified diet (TMD) have been evaluated, the resources and costs associated with their preparation have been less studied. Objective: to describe the nutritional, microbiological properties and costs of: 1) in-home produced pureed food (hTMD); 2) concentrated nutrient-dense commercial food products, hand-blended (cTMD); 3) food prepared using the MixxPro® automatic food mixer (cTMD-Mix). Methods: an observational, prospective study carried out in three geriatric nursing-homes. Patients ≥ 65 years, receiving TMD, with a stable clinical condition, estimated survival/expected internment > 1 month, and sufficient cognitive capacity were included. The following data were recorded: 1) patient socio-demographic and clinical variables; 2) TMD compliance and symptoms related to dysphagia during the meal; 3) patient appetite; and 4) kitchen information and resources used to prepare a TMD. Results: sixty-two residents were included (65.0 % women, 88.3 years (SD: 9.3); 43.5 % malnourished, 79.0 % with good appetite). The proportion of food eaten/median kcal served/portion/mean kcal consumed were: hTMD: 95.5 % (SD: 10.7)/92.4 kcal (IQR: 75.6-128.1)/88.2 kcal (IQR: 72.2-122.3); cTMD: 89.2 % (SD: 15.9)/323.4 kcal (IQR: 284.2-454.1)/288.5 kcal (IQR: 253.5-325.1); and cTMD-Mix: 80.3 % (SD: 21.4)/358.0 kcal (IQR: 344.0-372.1)/287.5 kcal (IQR: 276.5-298.8). No microorganisms were detected. The average time spent in preparing each portion and its costs were: hTMD: 11.2 min (SD: 3.89)/€2.33 (SD: 0.63); cTMD: 1.7 min (SD: 0.28)/€2.01 (SD: 0.39); and cTMD-Mix: 1.6 min (SD: 0.00)/€2.00 (SD: 0.33). Conclusions: in patients with dysphagia and/or chewing difficulties, concentrated nutrient-dense food products, particularly those produced using the MixxPro® automatic food mixer, ensure a high caloric intake and allow quick and safe food preparation.

Palabras Clave: Nursing home. Dysphagia. Swallowing problems. Malnutrition. Texturemodified diets. Pureed.

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