Trabajo Original
Effect of voluntary wheel running on gut microbiota composition in developing mice
Changjian Wan, Zhi-Bin Liu, Haoyuan Tan, Zhuyu Zhang, Qiong Zhou, Li-Hua Yao, Wei Meng, Songhua Wang
Prepublicado: 2022-07-07
Publicado: 2022-08-02
Background: exercise can increase the species and quantity of beneficial gut microbiota, enrich the diversity of microflora, and promote the development of symbiotic bacteria, especially in the stage of ontogeny. However, there is little evidence of the short-term voluntary exercise effect on the gut microbiota in developing mice.
Material and method: therefore, we used short-term voluntary wheel running model to study the gut microbiota of developing mice (1 month old), and detected the fecal samples by 16S rRNA gene sequencing.
Results: the results showed that after 4 weeks of voluntary wheel running, the body weight of the running group was significantly lower than that of the control group.
Conclusion: there was a significant separation between the running group and the control group in beta diversity measures. At the family level, the clostridiales flora of the running group was higher than that of the control group. Compared with the control group, the abundance of parabacteroides flora and anaerovorax flora increased significantly, and the abundance of anaerotruncus flora and odoribacter flora decreased significantly in the running group. These results showed that gut microbiota be affected after short-term voluntary wheel running in developing mice.
Palabras Clave: Gut microbiota. Excise. Voluntary wheel running. Mice
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