Nutrición Hospitalaria H0058
Trabajo Original
Flaxseed and its contribution to body growth and brain of Wistar rats during chidhood and adolescence
Objectives: To evaluate the effect of flaxseed upon body growth and brain of rats.
Methods: Experimental phase lasted 52 days, using 42 Wistar rats which were divided into four groups: Control (CG, n = 12), 10% casein diet; Flaxseed (GL, n = 12), 10% flaxseed diet plus casein; Modified Control (GCM, n = 12), 10% casein diet with changes in lipid and fiber comparable to GL; Non-protein (GA, n = 6), diet without protein. Considering food intake, protein intake and weight variation, the Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) was calculated. Net Protein Retention (NPR) and the Food Efficiency Ratio (CEA) were also determined relative to brain weight at 30 days of life (M30) and at 52 days (M52). Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Test of Sheffé and posttest of Bonferroni were used, p ≤ 0.05.
Results: GL had lower food intake, protein and weight variation than GC, but had higher values than GCM. Concerning PER, GL was lower than GC and similar to the GCM, as well as CEA. As for NPR, GL had lower values than the CG and GCM. At M30, GL was superior to GC in relation to brain weight. Likewise, the same was observed at M52.
Conclusion: Flaxseed promoted adequate growth and better brain development in animals, which might be explained by increased incorporation of omega-3 into these tissues.
Palabras Clave: Flaxseed. Casein. Rats. Weight variation. Omega-3. Brain.
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