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Introduction: Little research has been conducted into the attitudes and knowledge of dietitians-nutritionists (DN) or of experts in human nutrition and dietetics (EHND) regarding functional foods (FFs). Objectives: To evaluate the knowledge of, interest in and predisposition towards FFs in Spanish DN and EHND, and how these professionals rate the potential benefits and risks associated with consuming FFs. Methods: 2100 DN and 122 EHND were asked to participate in a self-administered questionnaire. The results were expressed using percentages and the DN responses were compared with those of the EHND by means of chi-squared test. A significant difference was regarded as having been obtained if P < 0.05. Results: 204 DN and 112 EHND responded. After eliminating 45 surveys due to anomalies, 268 surveys were analyzed (170 from the DN, 8.1% participation; 98 from the EHND, 80.3% participation). No statistically significant differences were observed between the responses of the DN and the EHND except in: 1) the view that it was “dangerous” to consume certain FFs ≥ 4 times a day; and 2) the knowledge of the population regarding in which situations certain FFs should be consumed. Most of the professionals demonstrated good knowledge of FFs, consumed FFs, showed a positive attitude towards FFs and thought that the information provided to the consumer is insufficient. Discussion and conclusions: FFs are generally accepted by nutritional professionals. However, further study is required into the discrepancies between DN and EHND regarding the view that it is “dangerous” to consume certain FFs and regarding their evaluation of whether the public know in which situations certain FFs should be consumed.
Palabras Clave: Attittude of health personnel. Functional food. Knowledge. Dietitians-nutritionists. Survey.
Dinorah González-castell , Teresita González De Cosío , Sonia Rodríguez-Ramírez , Leticia Escobar-zaragoza
Paula Rodríguez Alonso , Susana Del Pozo De La Calle , Teresa Valero Gaspar , Emma Ruiz Moreno , José Manuel Ávila Torres , Gregorio Varela-Moreiras
Emma Ruiz-moreno , Paula Rodríguez-alonso , José Manuel Ávila-torres , Teresa Valero-gaspar , Susana Del Pozo De La Calle , Gregorio Varela-Moreiras
Samuel Durán Agüero , Priscila Candia , Rafael Pizarro Mena
Millán Aguilar-navarro , Jesús Muñoz-guerra , María Del Mar Plata , Juan Del Coso
María Tormo-santamaría , Eva María Trescastro-lópez , María Eugenia Galiana-sánchez , Mercedes Pascual-artiaga , Josep Bernabeu-mestre
Anna Christina Pinheiro Fernandes , Jacqueline Alejandra Araneda Flores , Kiyomi Illanes Yamada , Catherine Pedraza Valencia
Irina Kovalskys , Brian M. Cavagnari , Luciana Noemí Zonis , Andrea Lorena Favieri , Viviana Guajardo , Alejandro Gerardi , Mauro Fisberg
Carmelo Loinaz Segurola , Federico Ochando Cerdán , Emilio Vicente López , Pedro López Cillero , Miguel Ángel Gómez Bravo , Juan Fabregat Prous , Evaristo Varo Pérez , Albert Miyar de León , Constantino Fondevila Campo , Andrés Valdivieso López , Gerardo Blanco Fernández , Belinda Sánchez , Rafael López Andújar , Yilian Fundora Suárez , Esteban Cugat Andorra , Luis Díez Valladares , Javier Herrera Cabezón , Agustín García Gil , Rafael Morales Soriano , Fernando Pardo Sánchez , Luis Sabater Ortí , José Ángel López Baena , Luis Muñoz Bellvís , Elena Martín Pérez , Baltasar Pérez Saborido , Miguel Ángel Suárez Muñoz , Juan Carlos Meneu Día , Maite Albiol Quer , Alfonso Sanjuanbenito Dehesa , José Miguel Ramia Ángel , Fernando Pereira Pérez , Gloria Paseiro Crespo , Juan Carlos Palomo Sánchez , Miguel León Sanz
Maximiliano Rodrigo Vega , José Manuel Ejeda Manzanera
Mar Tripiana Rallo , Belén Montañés Pauls , Virginia Bosó Ribelles , Raúl Ferrando Piqueres
Nuria Martín Ruiz , Segundo Rite Gracia , Juan Pablo García Íñiguez , María Pilar Samper Villagrasa
Juan Manuel Muñoz Cano , Juan Antonio Córdova Hernández , Crystel Guzmán Priego
Tomás Martín Folgueras , Néstor Benítez-Brito , Alfonso Vidal-Casariego , Luis Miguel Luengo Pérez , José A. Irles-Rocamora
Mariane Marques da Silva , Dan Linetzky Waitzberg , Regiane Macedo Silva Dipppolito , Priscila Sala , Samira Barcelos , Marco Aurélio Santo , Ana Cristina Martinez , Raquel Susana Torrinhas
Tomás Martín Folgueras , Alfonso Vidal-Casariego , Néstor Benítez-Brito , Luis Miguel Luengo Pérez , Hegoi Segurola-Gurrutxaga , Cristina Velasco Gimeno , Rosa Burgos Peláez , Julia Álvarez-Hernández , José A. Irles-Rocamora
Julieta Ángel García , Yolanda Flores Peña , Pedro E. Trujillo Hernández , Hermelinda Áviila Alpirez , Juana M. Gutiérrez Valverde
Jéssica Martínez Rodríguez , María Roca Fontbona
Jose M. Ramos-Pino , Mónica Carballeira Abella
Man-Shuang Chen , Don-Ying Wang , Hui-Yu Gong , Hui-Min Zhang , Jie Gao , Song-Ping Luo
Rafaella Andriette Gotelli Carrasco , Katherine del Rosario Kunstmann Romo , Valentina Irma Mansilla Carrasco , Katherine Denise Sanhueza Hernández , Miguel Ángel López Espinoza
Cristian Gabriel Álvarez Lepin , Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo , Claudia Miranda-Fuentes , Paulina Ibacache-Saavedra , Christian Campos-Jara , Carlos Cristi-Montero , Edgardo Molina-Sotomayor , Cristian Caparrós-Manosalva , Pedro Delgado-Floody
Elisangela Milhomem Santos , Laísa Cristina Camões Cunha , Raimunda Sheyla Carneiro Dias , Maria Célia Cruz Diniz , Dyego José Araujo Brito , Thaisa Cristina Sousa Teixeira , Alcione Miranda dos Santos , Ana Karina Teixeira da Cunha França
Alejandro Domínguez Rodríguez , Ausiàs Cebolla i Marti , Jessica Navarro , Rosa María Baños Rivera
Yeny Concha Cisternas , Jaime Vásquez-Gómez , José Castro Piñero , Fanny Peterman-Rocha , Solange Parra-Soto , Carlos Alexis Matus Castillo , Alex Garrido-Méndez , Felipe Poblete-valderrama , Carlos Celis-Morales
Pilar Matía Martín , María José Castro Alija , Viviana Loria Kohen , Rocío Campos del Portillo , Samara Palma Milla , Marlhyn Valero Pérez , Miguel Ángel Martinez Olmos , M.ª Teresa Moríes Álvarez , Francisca García Torres , Elena Carrillo Lozano , Pilar Plaza Blázquez , Francisco Pita Gutiérrez , Carmen Gómez Candela
Carla Guzmán Pincheira , Fernanda Fierro Jara
María del Carmen Morales-Ruán , Carlos Galindo Gómez , Danae Gabriela Valenzuela-Bravo , Veronica Mundo Rosas , Armando García Guerra , Ignacio Méndez-Gómez Humarán , Teresa Shamah-Levy
Jialong Pan , Yonghua Liao , Qing Huang , Guoye Ji , Rujun Dai , Dongyun Lin
Aili Wang , Jialin Li , Li Li , Huiqing Ding , Naibin Yang , Miao Xu
Damaris Hualpa-Gutierrez , Luis Daniel López-Magallanes , Mayra Alejandra Jiménez-Lozada , J. Jhonnel Alarco
Juanjuan Ma , Panwei Hu , Qinhua Zhang , Jian Pei
Jair Fabricio Aburto González , Ross Armstrong , Armando Monterrosa Quintero
Gabriel José Ayala Carrascal , María Paula Blanco Bustos , Laura Valentina López Rodríguez , Andrés Sebastián Villa Garzón , Jonathan Alexander Cortés Vásquez , Ismena Mockus
Background: sarcopenia, typified by the progressiv...