Nutrición Hospitalaria 04330 /
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Trabajo Original

Assessment of nutrient intakes of children and adolescents with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bllosa, severe subtype

Ana Paula Caio Zidório, Kenia Mara Baiocchi de Carvalho, Eliane Said Dutra

Prepublicado: 2023-01-26
Publicado: 2023-04-10

Logo Descargas   Número de descargas: 868      Logo Visitas   Número de visitas: 2150      Citas   Citas: 0


Background and aims: epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a rare disease presenting with skin fragility and formation of blisters. Constant presence of skin lesions, loss of blood, wastage of heat through the open skin, increased turnover of proteins and infections, result in increased energy, protein, and micronutrient needs. This study investigated the intake adequacy of energy, protein, zinc, iron, and dietary fiber in children with epidermolysis bullosa. Methods: this cross-sectional, analytical study was conducted with children and adolescents of up to 18 years of age with recessive dystrophic EB, severe subtype. Demographic data and clinical manifestations affecting food consumption were collected. Nutritional assessment was performed through anthropometric data. We used a formula to estimate specific energy needs for EB, and ratio of skin lesions was also evaluated to assist in estimating energy needs. A protein adequacy of 115 % to 200 % of the Recommended Dietary Allowance was considered for the adequacy of protein intake. And the Dietary Reference Intake tables according to sex and age were used as a reference for micronutrients. Intake assessment was performed using seven consecutive daily food records. Sip feed consumption was considered for intake assessment. Results: all patients showed undernutrition and presented at least three clinical symptoms that affect food consumption: pseudosyndactyly, microstomy, and blisters in the oral cavity. Sip feed constituted between 20 % and 50 % of the patients’ energy intake. Intake of iron and zinc was adequate for most patients (confidence of adequacy ≥ 0.85), while fiber intake was below the reference value. Conclusions: this study underscores the importance of nutritional monitoring for EB patients, which is often interpreted as a skin disease but has enormous nutritional repercussions.

Palabras Clave: Epidermolysis bullosa. Nutrient intake. Iron. Zinc. Protein.

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Trabajo Original: Efecto de la leche fortificada Liconsa en el estado de hierro y zinc en preescolares Mexicanos

Publicado: 2021-11-02 /

Trabajo Original: Serum Zn levels in dysphagic patients who underwent endoscopic gastrostomy for long term enteral nutrition

Publicado: 2021-11-02 /

Nota Clínica: Acrodermatitis enteropática en paciente con ileostomía de alto débito

Publicado: 2021-11-02 /

Trabajo Original: Higher levels of C-reactive protein associated with higher adiposity in Mexican schoolchildren

Publicado: 2021-11-02 /

Trabajo Original: Effect of different protein types on second meal postprandial glycaemia in normal weight and normoglycemic subjects

Publicado: 2021-11-02 /

Trabajo Original: Effect of immunonutrition on serum levels of C-reactive protein and lymphocytes in patients with COVID-19: a randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical trial

Rodrigo Fernandes Weyll Pimentel , Arthur Pinto Silva , Amália Ivine Costa Santana , Douglas de Souza e Silva , Mariângela de Souza Ramos , Márcio Costa de Souza , Vivian Marques Miguel Suen , Isolda Padro de Negreiros Nogueira Maduro , Durval Ribas Filho , Argemiro D’Oliveira Júnior , Dandara Almeida Reis da Silva , Julita Maria Freitas Coelho , Antonio Marcos Tosoli Gomes , Paulo Roberto Lima Machado , Magno Conceição das Merces

Publicado: 2021-08-26 /

Trabajo Original: Safe intake of an oral supplement containing carbohydrates and whey protein shortly before sedation to gastroscopy; a double-blind, randomized trial

Publicado: 2021-11-03 /

Revisión: Bioactive vegetable proteins and peptides in lipid-lowering; nutraceutical potential

Publicado: 2021-11-03 /

Trabajo Original: Factores asociados a la deficiencia de zinc en niños colombianos; resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2010; estudio transversal

Publicado: 2021-11-03 /

Trabajo Original: Serum uric acid can predict higher C-reactive protein levels in apparently healthy men

Publicado: 2021-11-03 /

Nota Clínica: La X de las dislipemias

Publicado: 2021-11-03 /

Trabajo Original: Herramienta de educación nutricional para alergicos a huevo y proteína de leche de vaca de edad pediátrica®

Publicado: 2021-11-03 /

Trabajo Original: Metabolic disorders of liver and iron in diabetic and non-diabetic patients BMI < 35 or > 35 before gastric bypass

Publicado: 2021-11-03 /

Revisión: Iron deficiency anemia in adolescents; a literature review

Publicado: 2021-11-03 /

Trabajo Original: Association between nutritional status, C-reactive protein, adiponectin and HOMA-AD in Brazilian children

Publicado: 2021-11-04 /

Trabajo Original: Evaluation of blood zinc, calcium and blood lead levels among children aged 1-36 months

Publicado: 2021-11-08 /

Trabajo Original: Influence of magnesium on biochemical parameters of iron and oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes

Publicado: 2021-11-08 /

Trabajo Original: Association between ferritin, high sensitivity c-reactive protein (hsCRP) and relative abundance of Hepcidin mRNA with the risk of type 2 diabetes in obese subjects

Publicado: 2021-11-08 /

Trabajo Original: Relationship between waist circumference and sagittal abdominal diameter measured at different anatomical sites and inflammatory biomarkers in apparently health men

Publicado: 2021-11-08 /

Trabajo Original: Prebiotics prevent the appearance of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in the colon of Balb/C mice for increasing the gene expression of p16 protein

Publicado: 2021-11-15 /

Trabajo Original: Manejo del riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular con leche enriquecida en esteroles en población joven adulta; ensayo clínico controlado aleatorizado y cruzado

Publicado: 2021-11-15 /

Revisión: ¿Es el gluten el gran agente etiopatogenico de enfermedad en el siglo XXI?

Publicado: 2021-11-17 /

Revisión: Efecto de la hepcidina en el metabolismo del hierro en deportistas

Publicado: 2021-11-17 /

Trabajo Original: Efficiency of the 24-hour food recall instrument for assessing nutrient intake before and after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

Publicado: 2021-11-17 /

Trabajo Original: Time-specific changes in DNA methyltransferases associated with the leptin promoter during the development of obesity

Publicado: 2021-11-17 /

Trabajo Original: Risk factors associated with iron depletion and parasites in preschool and school children of Arandas, Jalisco, México

Publicado: 2021-11-18 /

Trabajo Original: Relationships between serum calcium and magnesium levels and lipoproteins, homocysteine and insulin resistance/sensitivity markers at birth

Publicado: 2021-11-18 /

Trabajo Original: Macronutrients and energy content of oral hospital diet prescribed to chronic kidney disease patients on conservative treatment

Publicado: 2021-11-18 /

Trabajo Original: Role of ApoA1 on High-Density Lipoprotein: an intervention with plant sterols in patients with hypercholesterolemia

Publicado: 2021-11-18 /

Trabajo Original: Adequacy of energy and nutrient intake in patients with heart failure

Publicado: 2021-11-18 /

Trabajo Original: High-protein diet induces oxidative stress in rat brain: protective action of high-intensity exercise against lipid peroxidation

Publicado: 2021-11-25 /

Trabajo Original: Effect of alpha lipoic acid on the blood cell count and iron kinetics in hypertensive patients

Publicado: 2021-11-25 /

Trabajo Original: Glycemic Control and Oxidative Stress Markers and their relationship with the Thioredoxin Interacting Protein (TXNIP) gene in Type 2 Diabetic patients

Publicado: 2021-11-25 /

Trabajo Original: The Mediterranean Diet and micronutrient levels in depressive patients

Publicado: 2021-11-25 /

Trabajo Original: Effect of zinc supplementation on superoxide dismutase activity in patients with ulcerative rectocolitis

Publicado: 2021-11-25 /

Trabajo Original: Whey and soy protein supplements changes body composition in patients with Crohn’s disease undergoing azathioprine and anti-TNF-alpha therapy

Publicado: 2021-11-26 /

Trabajo Original: Cowpea protein reduces LDL-cholesterol and apolipoprotein B concentrations, but does not improve biomarkers of inflammation or endothelial dysfunction in adults with moderate hypercholesterolemia

Publicado: 2021-11-26 /

Trabajo Original: Defatted flaxseed meal prevents the appearance of aberrant crypt foci in the colon of mice increasing the gene expression of p53

Publicado: 2021-11-29 /

Trabajo Original: Dietary potential renal acid load in Venezuelan children

Publicado: 2021-11-29 /

Trabajo Original: Iron status and dietary intakes of iron in normal-weight and obese young Mexican women

Publicado: 2021-11-30 /

Trabajo Original: Association between serum Fe levels and obesity: a meta-analysis

Publicado: 2021-11-30 /

Trabajo Original: Deficiencia de hierro en el preoperatorio de cirugía bariátrica: diagnóstico y tratamiento

Publicado: 2021-12-01 /

Trabajo Original: Protein needs of critically ill patients receiving parenteral nutrition

Publicado: 2021-12-01 /

Artículo Especial: Genetic variation in the beta-3-adrenoreceptor gene (Trp64arg polymorphism) and their influence on anthropometric parameters and insulin resistance after a high protein/low carbohydrate versus a standard hypocaloric diet

Publicado: 2021-12-09 /

Trabajo Original: Impact of improved fat-meat products consumption on anthropometric markers and nutrient intakes of male volunteers at increased cardiovascular risk

Publicado: 2022-01-11 /

Trabajo Original: Trans fatty acids modify nutritional parameters and triacylglycerol metabolism in rats: differential effects at recommended and high-fat levels

Publicado: 2022-01-11 /

Trabajo Original: Relationship between zincemia, superoxide dismutase activity and marker of oxidative stress in women with breast cancer

Publicado: 2022-01-12 /

Trabajo Original: Organic inflammatory response to reduced preoperative fasting time, with a carbohydrate and protein enriched solution; a randomized trial

Publicado: 2022-01-12 /

Trabajo Original: Disfuncionalidad antioxidante de las lipoproteínas de alta densidad (HDL) en pacientes diabéticos descompensados

Publicado: 2022-01-13 /

Trabajo Original: Cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos para valorar la calidad de la dieta en la prevención de la deficiencia de hierro

Publicado: 2022-01-13 /

Trabajo Original: Inflammatory, nutritional and clinical parameters of individuals with chronic kidney disease undergoing conservative treatment

Publicado: 2022-01-13 /

Trabajo Original: Changes in C-reactive protein and biochemical profile in preschool children with obesity

Publicado: 2022-01-19 /

Trabajo Original: La merienda con elevada proteína de lactosuero mejora el nivel de saciedad y disminuye el apetito en mujeres sanas

Publicado: 2022-01-19 /

Revisión: Efectos en el rendimiento físico de la ingesta de suplementos con carbohidratos y proteína durante el ejercicio: revisión sistemática

Publicado: 2022-01-20 /

Trabajo Original: Efectos de la ingesta de una bebida energética rica en miel sobre glucosa, insulina, triglicéridos y proteínas totales en jóvenes sanos

Víctor Toro Román , Jesús Siquier Coll , Ignacio Bartolomé Sánchez , María Jesús Figuero Maynar , Marcos Maynar Mariño

Publicado: 2021-12-17 /

Revisión: Ingesta energética y de macronutrientes en mujeres atletas

Publicado: 2022-01-20 /

Trabajo Original: Anemia in pregnancy: impact on weight and in the development of anemia in newborn

Publicado: 2022-01-20 /

Trabajo Original: Novel insights on intake of meat and prevention of sarcopenia: all reasons for an adequate consumption

Publicado: 2022-01-20 /

Trabajo Original: Validación de una escala de creencias sobre la adherencia al tratamiento con suplementos de hierro en madres de niños con anemia

Luz M. Caballero-Apaza , Rubén Vidal-Espinoza , Tania Padilla-Cáceres , Rossana Gómez-Campos , Marco Cossio-Bolaños

Publicado: 2021-11-03 /

Trabajo Original: Apolipoproteins and their association with cardiometabolic risk biomarkers in adolescents

Publicado: 2022-01-21 /

Trabajo Original: Prokaryotic expression and bioactivity evaluation of the chimeric gene derived from the group 1 allergens of dust mites

Publicado: 2022-01-24 /

Revisión: Effects of exercise on irisin in subjects with overweight or obesity. A systematic review of clinical studies

Camila Bernal Rivas , Ángela Llamunao Tropa , Andrés Reyes Barría , Diego Halabi , Francisca Pavicic , Pamela Ehrenfeld , Sergio Martínez Huenchullán

Publicado: 2022-04-22 /

Nota Clínica: Desensibilización con Ketocal® en lactante con dieta cetogénica y alergia a proteínas de leche de vaca

Cristina Benítez Provedo , María Angeles Martínez Ibeas , Rebeca Losada del Pozo , Ana María Montes Arjona , Miriam Blanco Rodríguez , Genoveva del Río Camacho

Publicado: 2021-12-20 /

Revisión: Recomendaciones de consumo de huevo en población infantil: pasado, presente y futuro

Viviana Loria-Kohen , Liliana Guadalupe González-Rodríguez , Laura M. Bermejo , Aránzazu Aparicio , Ana M. López-Sobaler

Publicado: 2022-06-23 /

Trabajo Original: Efectos de la suplementación de hierro microencapsulado y hemínico para la recuperación de los niveles de hemoglobina en ratas alimentadas sin hierro

Edith Tello-Palma , Martiza Choque-Quispe , Myrian Pacheco-Tanaka , Walter Zamalloa-Cuba , Marleni Valencia-Pacho , Teófilo Donaires-Flores , Elva Macedo-Enriquez , Adelaida Viza-Salas , Amalia Quispe-Romero , Wilbert Paredes-Ugarte , Marco Cossio-Bolaños , Rossana Gómez-Campos

Publicado: 2022-02-10 /

Trabajo Original: Suplementación de proteína de suero de leche y caseinato en pacientes oncológicos sometidos a cirugía electiva para la modificación de la capacidad funcional

José Luis Bizueto Monroy , Ricardo E. Ramírez-Orozco , Judith Martín del Campo Cervantes , Susana Berenice Esparza Ramos , Ivonne González Espinosa , Said Cuéllar Valencia , Alan Gutiérrez Ramírez

Publicado: 2022-06-17 /

Trabajo Original: Assessment of dietary nutrient intake and its relationship to the nutritional status of patients with Crohn’s Disease in Guangdong Province of China

Hong Zheng , Xinbin Chen , Xiaoling Bu , Xia Qiu , Demeng Zhang , Yitong Zhou , Junlong Lin , Jinghong Li , Wenjun Ma , Ying Zheng

Publicado: 2022-08-16 /

Revisión: Dietary intake in individuals with phenylketonuria: an integrative review

Thais Regina Mezzomo , Marcia Regina Messaggi Gomes Dias , Tatiane Santos , Rosana Marques Pereira

Publicado: 2022-12-16 /

Revisión: Controversia 1. ¿Cómo realizar la valoración nutricional y de la sarcopenia, y el cálculo de requerimientos de proteínas necesarias? ¿Deben ser específicas?

Irene Bretón Lesmes

Publicado: 2023-03-10 /

Revisión: Controversia 1. Proteínas y las nuevas guías en lesión renal aguda

María Luisa Bordejé

Publicado: 2023-03-10 /

Trabajo Original: Associations between serum ferritin, iron, and liver transaminases in adolescents: a large cross-sectional study

Jialong Pan , Yonghua Liao , Qing Huang , Guoye Ji , Rujun Dai , Dongyun Lin

Publicado: 2023-02-18 /

Trabajo Original: Low-protein diet supplemented with inulin lowers protein-bound toxin levels in patients with stage 3b-5 chronic kidney disease: a randomized controlled study

Liyang Chang , Rongrong Tian , Zili Guo , Luchen He , Yanjuan Li , Yao Xu , Hongmei Zhang

Publicado: 2023-02-15 /

Trabajo Original: Health-related quality of life and clinical severity in people with epidermolysis bullosa — A proposal for assessing nutritional compromise by body mass index (Birmingham Epidermolysis Bullosa Severity Score)

Camille Cristine Gomes Togo , Ana Paula Caio Zidório , Natan Monsores de Sá , Eliane Said Dutra

Publicado: 2023-06-21 /

Trabajo Original: Attitudinal factors associated with protein sufficiency in Chilean vegan university students — A pilot study

Vesna Kovacic , Camila Sanhueza , Beatriz Hinostroza , Juan Cabezas , Marcell Leonario-Rodríguez

Publicado: 2023-08-11 /

Trabajo Original: Comparison of two isocaloric parenteral nutrition regimens with different protein content — A propensity-score matched comparative study

Javier Mateu-de Antonio , Marta de Antonio-Cuscó

Publicado: 2023-12-01 /

Trabajo Original: Combined intervention strategy for reversing iron-deficiency anaemia and deficiency in psychomotor development in chronic malnutrition

Ricardo Sevilla Paz Soldán , Nazaret Pantoja Bustamante , Miguel Guzmán-Rivero , Aleida Verduguez-Orellana , Gerard Sevilla Encinas

Publicado: 2023-08-29 /

Trabajo Original: Efectos del zinc y resveratrol como moduladores de la respuesta a la leptina en adultos con obesidad

Erika Yanet Portillo Siqueiros , Eduardo Santellano-Estrada , Miguel Ángel Flores Villalobos , María Guadalupe Roacho Soto , Susana Martínez Flórez

Publicado: 2024-02-09 /

Trabajo Original: Effects of a functional yogurt enriched with soluble dietary fiber or vegetable proteins on appetite profile. An acute randomized controlled clinical trial

Denisse Chu Montiel , Samara Palma Milla , Bricia López-Plaza , Marlhyn Valero Pérez , Carmen Gómez Candela , Laura M. Bermejo

Publicado: 2024-04-09 /

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